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Applying to the UGA Washington Semester Program was one of the best decisions made during my undergraduate career. As a senior who was gearing up to graduate, I wanted my last semester of college to be a rewarding experience and The Washington Semester Program surpassed my expectations.

Deputy Chief Michael P. Downing of the Los Angeless Police Department will deliver the 5th annual Susette M. talarico lecture at 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, April 15th in the North Tower of the Miller Learning Center. The event is named in honor of Dr.

On April 4th, the Criminal Justice Studies Program will be recognizing those majors expecting to graduate spring, summer, and fall 2014 with our 17th Annual Graduation and Awards Banquet held at the Georgia Center.

Dr. Teena Wilhelm is this year's recipient of the School of Public and International Affairs' Excellence in Teaching Award. This annual award is given to a single faculty member in the School for outstanding instruction. Dr.

Criminal Justice Studies students have the opportunity to participate in undergraduate research through the Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities (CURO). Recently, three CJ majors have done just that.

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