The Criminal Justice Studies Program continues to provide an excellent education to hundreds of majors each year. Your gifts can enhance the educational experience for these students.
The funds described below provide support for scholarships, professional development programming, and experiential learning. All contributions are very much appreciated.
Criminal Justice Studies Fund
This fund helps support costs associated with student programming, including subsidizing the cost to students of the annual graduation banquet, field trips, the alumni luncheon, and other such events. Contribute online to the fund by clicking the button bellow.
Criminal Justice Discretionary Fund
Susette M. Talarico Fund
Susette Talarico was the longest serving Director of the Criminal Justice Studies Program and a driving force in its rise to become a highly regarded interdisciplinary undergraduate program here at UGA. She was the Albert Berry Saye Professor of American Government and Constitutional Law and a Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor. A charter member of UGA’s Teaching Academy, Professor Talarico served as the driving force in the interdisciplinary undergraduate degree program in criminal justice. In addition to her success in the classroom, Professor Talarico was an accomplished scholar with over fifty published articles and books focused on the study of sentencing, criminal courts, and civil litigation. This fund helps to support the annual Susette M. Talarico lecture and scholarships awarded to students who demonstrated excellence in public service leadership. You can contribute online to the fund by clicking the button below.
Doris Porter Professional Development Fund
In December 2014, Mrs. Dori Porter retired after serving for three decades in the CJSP office. In recognition of her service, an anonymous donor made an initial gift to establish a fund in her name. Awards from fund provide internship stipends for students and cover costs for professional development workshops. For more information on contributing to this fund please visit:
Doris Porter Professional Development Fund
Sherry Lyons-Williams Scholarship
Sherry Lyons-Williams was the first female Atlanta police officer to die in the line of duty. She wore her badge with honor, pride and dignity, protecting and serving the citizens of Atlanta for thirteen years. She was killed on April 4, 2001 in a shootout while serving a warrant on a drug dealer. Orphaned at the age of 2, Sherry was raised by her grandparents. Sherry was a standout high school athlete and overcame many obstacles to earn her Bachelor of Arts Degree at the University of Georgia in 1984. Sherry was an avid Bulldog who rarely missed a game. She served in the active duty military in the US Army and later in the Reserves. After her death, her friends and family established this scholarship in her name through the Criminal Justice Studies Program and the University of Georgia Foundation in 2001. Since that time, the fund has awarded over 25 scholarships to recipients who demonstrate substantial potential to contribute to the field of criminal justice. For more information on how to contribute to this fund please visit:
Sherry Lyons-Williams Scholarship
Kenneth McCarthy Scholarship
Kenneth McCarthy, a lifelong resident of Camden County, Georgia, had the highest regard for those who served in law enforcement. The Camden County Sheriff’s Office sought to honor Mr. McCarthy’s advocacy of the law enforcement profession and his many contributions to the Camden County community. In 2002 a scholarship was established in his name through the Criminal Justice Studies Program and the University of Georgia Foundation. This need-based scholarship is intended for a major who plans to pursue a career in criminal justice. For more information on how to contribute to this fund please visit:
James T. “Tommy” Morris Scholarship
Prior to his death at 62, Tommy Morris had spent 34 years in the criminal justice field to include 22 years of service on the State Board of Pardons and Paroles. A native of Clarke County, Georgia he worked his way through college as an Athens police officer earning his undergraduate and graduate degrees from UGA. In 2002 his family established a fund in his name through the Criminal Justice Studies Program and the University of Georgia Foundation. In 2012, the fund reached endowed status through a generous contribution made to the fund. The fund was established to provide a stipend for a student in need of financial support during their internship. For more information on how to contribute to this fund please visit:
William Bush Student Professional Development Fund
The Will Bush Fund was established to honor William Christopher Bush III who died on August 7, 2001. Prior to his death at age 21, Will was a student at UGA where he enrolled as a freshman in the fall of 1997. A native of Warner Robbins, Will was an enthusiastic criminal justice major and a fervent Bulldog. Suffering from cancer for his entire academic career, Will was an active student when he was enrolled at UGA and even when illness forced him to return home prior to his death. Will was an incredible young man – bright, enthusiastic and witty. He fought cancer with a courage beyond his years and was an inspiration to both UGA faculty and students. After his death, Will’s family asked that donations be made to UGA and in particular to help support student professional development, something that Will specified before he died. Will was awarded a posthumous AB degree in Criminal Justice. In July 2003 a fund was established in his name through the Criminal Justice Studies Program and the University of Georgia Foundation to enhance the professional development of our CJ students. For more information on how to contribute, please click the button below:
Will Bush Student Professional Development Fund.
Giving by Mail to our Funds
If you wish to make a gift by check, make your check payable to: UGA Foundation.
Mail your gift to:
UGA Foundation
Gift Accounting
One Press Place
Athens, GA 30602
Be sure to include the fund name on the memo line.