Tuesday, July 7, 2020
I, Ned Phares, have retired as the Academic Advisor for the Criminal Justice Studies Program at the University of Georgia.
The program expects to have a new advisor by sometime August.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
At 11:00 am on Wednesday, February 12th 2020 in the Walker Room of Dean Rusk Hall (UGA School of Law) Dr. John Patrick Jarvis will speak on "Lessons Learned in Applying Social Science: Bridging Perceived Divides Between Academics and Practitioners".
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Only one of this year's alumni panelists does not remember an alumni panel when they were a student. The earliest memory of an alumni panel was from a student here in 1993 ... so let's say we've had a quarter century of grads returning to share and interact with current majors. Thank you!
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Tuesday March 19th Pinnacle Room Baldwin Hall 2:00 pm
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Friday January 22nd
Spring 2021 Criminal Justice Applications due by 11:59PM (see CJ Application Page to submit online application)
Tuesday January 26th
New Major Meeting for Spring Admits (4:45PM-5:45PM, Zoom)
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